Supply of hatching eggs, the implementation of day-old Chicks, broiler
Product Catalog: GUINEA FOWL
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Gray speckled guinea fowl
from 0.75 euro
The weight of males females 1.6 1.8 kg., 100 eggs to egg production, but if provide artificial daylight of 16 hours and a temperature of about 15 degrees, then the egg production increased by more than 2 times.
At home, guinea fowl mainly fed grain, particularly corn. feeding principle of something like this, as well as chicken. There are some features of feeding. In the wild, guinea fowl live in pairs, in a household this is not necessary, so many owners keep guinea fowl breeding four samochki to one male. This content will provide a good egg production. The first food for the chicks - this egg, cooked in a cool, mix with the bread crumbs, bread can also soak in the milk, squeeze and crumble.
Despite the fact that these birds are quite freedom, they feel good and indoors. However, in cells yet keep them is not recommended. It is necessary for them to do at least a small paddock.