Supply of hatching eggs, the implementation of day-old Chicks, broiler
Product Catalog: Cobb 500
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Cobb 500
from 0.22 euro
FEATURES broilers Cobb 500:
- The lowest production cost of live weight
- Excellent productivity at lower cost feed rations
- It is the most cost-effective in terms of feed
- Excellent growth rate
- The best uniformity of broilers for processing
- It is competitive breeding bird
A feature cross broilers COBB 500 - white feathers and genetically yellow skin, so even when fed normal diets non-pigmented skin of the finished carcass is always yellow.
Compared with other crosses broilers COBB 500 stands higher productivity and less growth of fattening period. In 35 days, the average weight is 1.9 kg should be in 42 days - 2.4 kg.
Cross chickens COBB 500 around the world considered to be the most efficient broiler crosscourt.
Having bought broiler chickens Cobb 500, subject to all the conditions of broiler breeding you will be satisfied with the result.
- Efficient growth
- Uniformity (sprouting poultry flock is uniform for all individuals)
- Low cost of production of chicken meat
- At the bottom of a white meat obtained maximum
- Protection is 95-96%.